Community Affairs
Sergeant Eric Mistretta is our Community Affairs and Public Information Officer. Sergeant Mistretta has been in law enforcement since 2007. During his career he has served as a jailer, a patrol officer, a school resource officer, and a D.A.R.E. Instructor, along with other assignments while on patrol such as a field training officer and a V.I.P.E.R. Team member. Sergeant Mistretta also currently serves as the lead mentor for the Acworth Public Safety Cadets unit 4440.
The Office of Community Affairs ensures that the Acworth Police Department is active in the community through its many outreach programs. It is the desire of the city administration and the chief of police to have open communications and strong relationships with residents, business owners and educators in Acworth. While each employee of the Acworth Police Department is mandated to maintain and build strong public relations, the Office of Community Affairs accepts the responsibility of providing the catalyst.
Contact Sergeant Mistretta at 770-974-1232 ext. 1145 or by filling out the form below.